Sunday, November 14, 2010

Five YESes when shooting videos

1. Start with an end in mind : Do not record all what can be, use a pre-editing sense or think about the end before even start shooting. Do selective shooting. 1 minute of good video takes 1 hour of editing time!

2. Use a Tripod : Do not use handheld cameras if you have an option to use a tripod. The viewing experience will enhance by few magnitudes.

3. Use constant Zoom : Do not zoom when you are on REC mode. Zooming in and out will make your video look horrible.

4. Take short shots : Do not shoot long shots, unless its a performance or an action that is continuous. Typical can be 10 or 20 seconds

5. Take variety shots : Do not take the same shots again and again from the same location - angle. Move around and capture short shots.